Shaunna Mireau on Canadian Legal Research

Tips on Canadian legal research from the Library at Field LLP.
Postings are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the firm.

November 24, 2009

Tribunal decision sources

It is hard to know the best source for judicial and administrative decisions. The Library Staff at Field keep the Internet links portion of our Intranet up to date with the current sources for the usual suspects (Alberta Courts, SCC, the OIPC site for Alberta, etc.).

One collection of material that is important to us is decisions from administrative bodies and tribunals. Historically, the best source for tribunal decisions was Quicklaw. LexisNexis Quicklaw is still a good source of decisions from tribunals, but it is no longer the sole source for this material.

In our digital world, it is easy for tribunals to publish decisions on their websites. It is not difficult to have a search function for the decisions. If the function doesn't exsit on their site, an advanced google search for keywords within the domain is often successful. An example:

order "employee" "personal information" PIPA

In Canada, we are extremely lucky to have CanLII. CanLII has a growing collection of tribunal decisions and they frequently add new collection sources. For Alberta, the list of tribunal sources includes:
Happy hunting


November 17, 2009

The Kindle is here, the kindle is here!

Well, it isn't the new telephone book, but I can understand the excitement. After waiting, as we often do in Canada, for new technology to be released above 49, the Financial Post reports that Canadians can finally buy a Kindle so that we can download eBooks from

I have to say that I am personally not jumping up and down with excitement. I would much rather haul around a plethora of softcover items. I am on the road in Calgary today and tomorrow and my laptop bag has room for the laptop, some papers, my clothes, a hairbrush and 3 novels. The current novel (just finished on the plane this a.m.) the next (which will become the current in the hotel this evening), and the just in case (just in case I can't sleep and I burn through the current).

Just to be clear, I have read all three of these novels before, and it was very easy to pull them off my shelf to toss in the overnight bag.
